November 19, 2007


ask me to scrap her laptop when i was back in Sabah last week. I spent less than a day to do it because I am so busy with my sis's wedding. It is a simple one but trust is not effortless...

The photo is a bit blur here so pardon me for that. When i tried to take a photo of it, it is reflecting me in it. Hard...I have no talent. I should’ve thought of using something to block the light...oh well, this photo is better.

I screwed my laptop last night when I hit the screen with the plug on the iron. I was lying on the bed chatting with dear Sharon and Terry when I lazily put the iron away from my bed to the side table. When I did the plug hit the screen and instantly the left bottom corner of my screen went white. It is like I broke the inner screen. I lay there stoned for a while and i told Sharon and Terry that I screwed my laptop and I gtg. I know I have to either replace the screen or the whole laptop altogether but...but what about the scrapping on it? hmm...don't judge me. I know.
Okay, this is Louise’s laptop.